For Teachers Only

Schools will soon resume and those tender and loving souls will return to school. Now ask yourself:
Why am I a teacher?
Do I really love children?
Do I see these young ones as Leaders of Tomorrow?
Can I invest in the future of these little angels?
Yes children are like angels, if we treat them well, nurture them like yam tendrils, they will curl around that love and grow taller than us. Then they will feed us with giant tubers of yam when we are old and cannot go to the farm (classroom) anymore.
Every teacher is a farmer. A farmer’s greatest virtue is PATIENCE.
For example, a farmer will clear the bushland, burn the grass, plant the seed(s), wait for the rain to come and water his seeds. Over time, little shoots appear slightly above soil level.
But the grasses will try to choke them. The farmer returns to weed the farm, remove the weeds and burn them. He continues to pray for the rain to keep dropping to anoint his now tender crops.
Did you notice the metamorphosis?
The seeds have turned to crops. When the crops mature and are ripe for harvesting, the farmer takes his family and any other hand(s) that he can get or hire, to the farm, to harvest his crops.
Picture the farmer grinning from ear to ear as he takes in his harvest of that SEASON.
So it takes a whole season for crops to be ready for harvesting?
How long then does it take for a child to be productive?
Teachers are Human Farmers!
Teachers are Nurses!!
Teachers are Parents!!!
I Love Teachers.


Author: afgedconsult

Afro-Global Education Deliveries was born out of the need to add value to the practice of education in Nigeria with a view to restructuring the industry thereby, making Teaching and Learning a pleasant activity. Therefore, we set out with professional intent to developing a team aimed at providing custom-made services to clients as we believe that individual clients have their peculiar needs. In addition, we recruit Expatriate Teachers in Nigerian Schools as well as recruit Nigerian Students in Foreign schools

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