Kano Govt to Private Schools: Slash 3rd term fees or …

*Ganduje, Kano State Governor

The Kano State Government has urged proprietors of private schools to reduce school fees by 25 and 30 per cent for the 2019/2020 Third Term academic session.

The Kano State Commissioner for Education, Sanusi Kiru, stated this in a statement signed by Aliyu Yusuf, the Public Relations Officer of the ministry, on Thursday in Kano. By Clever. Kiru said the ministry was considering cancellation of the Third Term session, if the school proprietors remained adamant to reduce the fees.

He said the measure was imperative in view of the economic realities ocassioned by the COVID-19 pandemic. He said: “Two parallel adhoc committees were constituted to discuss with proprietors of the schools on the downward review of the fees as done in some states.

“Failure to do so; the ministry will cancel the Third Term session, and the academic calendar will commence with a new session in January 2021. “Proprietors of private schools should appreciate the support they enjoyed from the state government and extend the same gesture to the good people of the state.”

The Commissioner said the ministry had fixed Nov.1, dateline for the schools to comply, warning that: “the ministry will be left with no option than to take such a revolutionary decision in public interest.”



Author: afgedconsult

Afro-Global Education Deliveries was born out of the need to add value to the practice of education in Nigeria with a view to restructuring the industry thereby, making Teaching and Learning a pleasant activity. Therefore, we set out with professional intent to developing a team aimed at providing custom-made services to clients as we believe that individual clients have their peculiar needs. In addition, we recruit Expatriate Teachers in Nigerian Schools as well as recruit Nigerian Students in Foreign schools

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