How to Keep Teachers from Quitting

To Keep Teachers From Quitting, Address These 5 Key Issues

By Marina Whiteleather — December 07, 2021

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Stress. Burnout. Exhaustion. Too little respect. The pandemic has taken a steep toll on teachers, but many say those negative experiences existed for them before COVID-19.

When even one or a small handful of teachers quit, the consequences can be huge for a school. So what can be done to help stave off teacher attrition? For starters, principals and school district leaders need to understand what’s really driving teachers to leave.

Pay matters, but is often not the main point of dissatisfaction.

What Teachers Who Might Quit Are Really Thinking

“Money is not the main reason teachers are leaving at an alarming rate,” commented Kansas City educator, Yvette James on LinkedIn about an Education Week article discussing the need for higher teacher salaries.

Here are 5 common problems teachers say make them want to quit.

Poor Management 

“Unreal expectations and poor management of the school can be two problems.”

Kenney Houston“Poor management! Toxic school environment, no support for behavior issues, when teachers don’t feel safe. Teacher burnout is real. I could go on and on. 🙁”—

Tiffany Michelle: Professional Input Not Taken Seriously “Of course, compensation is an important factor, but what drove me and many of my colleagues away from our local district and the jobs we loved was the common disregard for our professional input. Our school board and district administration continue to exclude us from critical decisions while being completely oblivious to the conditions they created and the consequences of their actions.”

—Steve Bodley
Staffing Shortages: “Schools are short staffed and teachers are running on empty. The demands are high and not enough staff to meet the requirements.”

—Yvette James: Lack of Respect “It’s the micromanaging and lack of professional respect for me. I’m an educated professional and I want to be treated (and compensated) as such.”

—Allison Garon: Classroom Management “Compensation would absolutely help… but I have always said I do this for the kids. But sadly, this year, the kids have been a huge part of the reason I consider leaving daily. I love them, and I know they have been through a lot, but I am so disheartened this year with the behavior issues and constant disruptions. I feel so lost.”

—Calia Smith: Teacher stress has been at record highs, with 59 percent of teachers stating that it is a lot more tense teaching now versus pre-pandemic, according to an April EdWeek Research Center survey. And, as data from the February 2021 RAND Corporation survey revealed, stress beat out low pay for the main reason teachers were leaving the classroom with a striking 55 percent quitting in the two school years leading up to the pandemic.

This is not new, and Education Week has written extensively about the top reasons teachers are quitting, and other contributing factors like the substitute shortage, rise in school shootings, calls to ban books by Black authors amid critical race theory debates, and the list goes on. But all hope is not lost. In an EdWeek Research Center survey conducted in July 2021, only 2 percent of teachers said there was nothing their school or district could do to help relieve their stress.

There are ways for schools to take stock of the challenges facing teachers today and work towards solutions.

Here are some tactics to consider:

Providing mental health days. Starting a teacher mentorship program. Incorporating teacher input into new initiatives. Some of these low-cost changes could prove priceless to teachers looking for a reason to stay in the profession.

For deeper reading on teacher well-being and retention, visit these articles: Mentors Matter for New Teachers. Advice for What Works and Doesn’t.

Students Are Getting Mental Health Days. So Why Don’t Teachers?What Teachers Who Might Quit Are Really Thinking What New Teachers Need.

Marina Whiteleather FOLLOWDirector of Social Media & Audience EngagementMarina Whiteleather is the director of social media and audience engagement for Education Week.

Facts About the Urhobo of Nigeria

The Urhobo traditional attire.

(1) In land area, Urhobo is larger than Switzerland.

(2) It was on October 1, 1938 that the name SOBO or SUBOU was officially changed to URHOBO.

(3) In Delta state, Urhobos are the majority.

(4) In Urhobo land, there are 22 Clans with 2 newly added to become 24.

(5) Among the Clans, Okpe Kingdom are the largest and highest population density. According to the 2006 National population Commission Census Report, Okpe has a population density up to 301, 917.

(6) Urhobo people are the fifth largest ethnic group in Nigeria.

(7) AGBON became second largest among Urhobo clans.

(8) ARHAVWARIEN is the smallest clan in Urhobo land.

(9) It may interest you to know that according to Urhobo Tradition, marriage is not conducted on the sacred day. Given the advent of Christianity, however, many Urhobos have embrased the Christian faith, but still, do not conduct traditional marriages on the sacred day which is called EDEWOR. Okpe people called it EDEGHWO.

(10) The Urhobos believe much in good Neighbourliness and community way of life. Whenever a typical Urhobo man receives visitors, he sends invitation to all the adults in the neighborhood to join him in giving the visitors rousing reception. He wait a while for them to come in before presenting drinks, kola nuts and money to his guest. Each invitee supports the presentation with some amount of money.

(11) If you are in township and your father/mother/brother/sister paid you a visit make sure you entertain in Urhobo culture and tradition by inviting your neighbours to join you to entertain them, it serves also as an evidence that you are living in peace with your neighbours.
