The Moors: Conquerors of Spain


The Moors were a group of North Africans who conquered and ruled Spain for nearly 781 years, from 711 to 1492. They entered the Iberian Peninsula, Spain, after crossing the Strait of Gibraltar, passing through Morocco.

*A North African Moor

African Moors were known for their exceptional architecture and engineering skills, and they built numerous impressive structures, such as universities and mosques in Spain, which still stand to this day. They made significant contributions in various fields, including math, medicine, chemistry, philosophy, astronomy, botany, bricklaying and history.

The African Moors were the first to introduce the use of Arabic numbers in Europe, which are still used today. They also made significant advances in medicine, developed treatments for various diseases and created medical textbooks that were widely used. In addition, the African Moors were skillful astronomers and developed advanced techniques to measure time and determine the position of celestial bodies.

They also made important contributions to botany, introducing new plants in Spain and creating gardens admired by many.

African Moors were also known for their expertise in bricklaying and built numerous impressive structures, such as Granada’s Alhambra, considered one of the most beautiful and impressive buildings in the world.

Finally, they also wrote extensively about their history, creating numerous historical texts that are still being studied today.




Author: afgedconsult

Afro-Global Education Deliveries was born out of the need to add value to the practice of education in Nigeria with a view to restructuring the industry thereby, making Teaching and Learning a pleasant activity. Therefore, we set out with professional intent to developing a team aimed at providing custom-made services to clients as we believe that individual clients have their peculiar needs. In addition, we recruit Expatriate Teachers in Nigerian Schools as well as recruit Nigerian Students in Foreign schools

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